Two for one

And none for the sun okay bye.

Hello! Did you catch the eclipse today?

I rode up to Ohio impulsively and we watched the entire process without issue, astoundingly. I’m writing this, however, in traffic on the way home.

You may have noticed I was not in your inbox this weekend — I did write poems but didn’t feel like opening my laptop during non-work hours after my first week in a new job. I’ll probably keep this pattern up for my own life balance, but who knows. (There are no rules.)

Both today’s and yesterday’s pieces are inspired by the days’ respective prompts. For today, that was to write “a poem that centers around an encounter or relationship between two people (or things) that shouldn’t really have ever met.” My inspiration for this one feels clear.

Staring into the sun

and driving home for hours.

Maybe our paths shouldn’t be connected — collision crossing the in dark. Risk, reward and restitution. Regret/returning dawn to the day. The moon will bring its gloom. BYOG! If you had one eye everything wouldn’t need to be so plural.

We should be fine. The sun should be back soon/the moon should go home. The moon should build itself a home and build up one wave, saying hello, crashing into cordiality over and over again.

It’s a once in a lifetime experience. I have to pee.

I’ll also share a postcard-length piece from yesterday, which the prompt requested be titled “Wish you were here.”

Wish you were here

You would hear through the accents better and would have overheard a local couple discussing this tavern, where the drinks cost only a memory, and where I am writing this to you. I just … stumbled in. Cheers!

Enjoy your night — I hope I am home by the time you receive this email!
