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Today's score sponsored by my childhood snake obsession.

Hello. Isn’t it nice that April started on a Monday this year?

Today’s short piece, a platonic love poem, uses a napowrimo.net prompt again (many of my favorite writing prompts have come from this site, so you can expect to see it popping up a bit).

It was the kind of day that kept me busy at work, and this poem is inspired by a small respite: Connections.

So here’s my score today:

Puzzle #296

And here’s a poem:

We hardly understand you
some days; on others
we share one brain/mind
/skull/noggin as we reveal 
each pattern and pair
from your yellow hair to
your purple socks/heels
/loafers/pumps. Knowing
sometime soon when you 
say any pro/ad verb we will
hear homophone/palindrome. 
You make the poems rhyme. 
The jury is out/in/over/near
on what's only our attempt
to turn over your colors. 

I’m going to round out my night by crafting and reading Ultramarine by Raymond Carver. Hope it has been a peaceful one for all of you. 🤍
